Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Full: Landscaping part 3: Garden

Once upon a time I thought that having a garden would save me money.. I WAS WRONG! :D
In my prior post about building a garden box  I went thought the steps as to how I made the box.  I decided to use starts for my garden this year for all except carrots because I was not so sure about seeds. After a lot of planning and talking we decided to plant the following items. 

Yellow Squash 
Box 1
Box 2
Box 3
Box 4 & 5

I started on our patio, We have TONS of misquotes in our area and they love me.  I do anything and everything  to keep them away, between Tiki Torches with Bite Fighter, at least one or two bottles of off and as many herbs that will keep them away.
Tiki Bitefighter 64 oz. Citronella and Cedar Torch Fuel Image result for off bug spray
I did lots of research and found some of the best Herbs for keeping misquotes away are
Lemon Grass
Cat Nip
So I used some pots we got a few months ago for a killer deal ($10 each for awesome urns) and some others we already had and placed them on our patio and then added many more to garden boxes

I also got 2 raspberry bushes, I chose to go with THORN-LESS, Since we have a basketball hoop just off from where I want to put them, I don't want thorns in basketballs or in little boy's hands.

Money Breakdown
Top Soil: included in landscape costs
Garden Boxes: Wood=$80, Screws=7, Stain= $30 --- $117
Urns:  $20 (originally they would have been $45 each!) 
BrazelBerries Raspberry Shortcake: WAY pricey Plant that i wanted to try out $ 30
Thorn-less Raspberry: $7
Box 1: Lettuce 4 types,  Carrots, Onions -- $ 15
Box 2: Onions, Garlic, habanero peppers, jalapeno peppers.  $15
Box 3: Tomatoes, 3 cherry, 1 early girl, 2 yellow, 1 big beef, 1 celebrity. $15
Box 4: yellow squash, zucchini,  green peppers, red peppers, Anaheim peppers, mini bell peppers $20
Box 5: Lemon Basil, Basil, Lavender, chamomile, Rosemary, Cilantro, parsley, oregano. $25
Patio plants:  $23
Mulch: 3 @ $7 -- $21
Fertilizer: $15 
Tomato Gates and trellis:  10 @ $5.50 -- $55

All things done: Out of pocket $378

Running Total:  $8,968.00
---Landscaping:  $8,040.00
---Plants and Flowers: $550.00
---Garden : $378.00

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